Saturday, February 15

The Products and Services Magazine for the UK Drinks Production Industry
Brewing & Beverage Industries Business provides essential BUYING information to UK breweries, distillers, cider & wine makers, and other beverage manufacturers. Click here to read our latest issue.

Read our Winter 2024/25 issue.

Want to reach more for less? We can help you
make much more of your budget.

Purchasing pre-owned equipment and brand new alike, the brewing kit arrives as a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, which can be daunting. @BrewingServices help brewers ‘adapt & overcome’, enabling them to produce the best quality beers. Find out more on page 26.

A new era in British hops: Harlequin®
When it comes to crafting exceptional beer, innovation is key and that is exactly what has been showcased in the vibrant single-hopped IPA, Folie à Deux. Read all about it on pg46 of our winter issue.
#british #hops

Clarke Dove offer a unique #insurance cover and risk management service for all types of #breweries, integrated brewers and pub operators.
Read our article on page 38 of our winter issue!

Our Winter 2024/25 issue is out now!
In print and online.
@bfbi_1907 (Brewing, Food & Beverage Industry Suppliers' Association)
#uk #brewery #production #services