Friday, January 31

New microbrewery at Peak Ales

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Peak Ales' new microbrewery designed and installed by Moeschle.

Peak Ales’ new microbrewery designed and installed by Moeschle.

Peak Ales have opened a new microbrewery within their newly refurbished visitor centre on the Chatsworth Estate, which now hosts a microbrewery, tasting room and gift shop.

Officially opened to the public in July 2018, Peak Ales hope that the centre will attract new and returning customers and help raise awareness of the quality ales they brew.

Moeschle were delighted to have been chosen to design, install and commission the bespoke 2.5 barrel brewing system. The high quality stainless steel vessels were manufactured at Moeschle’s facility in Germany and state of the art design is evident from the outset.

Peak Ales Director, Robert Evans, said “This is a super piece of kit. The brewers are excited to be using something that is so easy to operate yet versatile. While Peak Ales are known for our core range of traditional ales the new brewery gives us the flexibility to experiment with new styles and expand the portfolio of beers we are able to offer to our customers”.

For a more in-depth review of the new brewery equipment, turn to page 38 of our latest issue.


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