Friday, January 17

Useful Links & Resources for Brewers and Distillers

As pubs, breweries and taprooms are fighting for their very survival against the Coronavirus, CAMRA, in partnership with the SIBA, have launched the #pullingtogether campaign to provide helpful resources to publicans, brewers and cider makers while highlighting ways the public can help protect these venues from closure.

VISIT CAMRA’s Pulling Together website

#PullingTogether Campaign
The Government’s advice that the public should avoid pubs and other social venues throughout the COVID-19 pandemic will threaten the very survival of our pubs, breweries and cider makers. This page aims to provide helpful resources for the publicans, brewers and cider makers while highlighting ways the public can help protect these venues from closure.

Visit SIBA’s Corona Virus advice page

  • SIBA Actions & Updates
  • What SIBA is doing
  • What SIBA are calling for
  • Government Guidance
  • Financial Support
  • Delivering alcohol to the public
  • NHS Advice on Coronavirus


A dedicated online directory to support the independent beer industry in Europe
BeerisHere.Org facilitated by Simply Hops and BarthHaas this initiative aims to put as many consumers in touch with as many independent home deliverers of beer across Europe as possible.

Craft Beer Hour website

As brewery sales to pub have been dramatically impacted by the Government measures advising people to avoid pubs many breweries are putting their efforts into online sales. SIBA are lobbying Government to relax the licensing laws to make it easier for small independent breweries to sell beer direct to the public and we will advise on this further once we have more information.

In the meantime for those breweries who can sell direct to the public one quick and easy way to get the word out is to list it here on the Craft Beer Hour website for free – simply click ‘Submit your Business’. You can also apply to be a ‘Featured Brewery’, for more info on promoting your brewery click here.

HMRC Helpline

Because of the pressure put on businesses by the Coronavirus the Government are allowing breweries to defer their Beer Tax payments.

If you cannot pay because of the Coronavirus, call the HMRC Coronavirus helpline.

HMRC Coronavirus Helpline
Telephone: 0800 015 9559
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Saturday, 8am to 4pm

Legal advice

1 Hour Free Legal Advice via Napthens + New HR Service

SIBA provides a legal & business helpline for its members, provided by Silver Supplier Associate member, Napthens.

The helpline can deal with any legal or commercial query from employment or HR through to raising finance and is manned by a specialist team of solicitors with a great deal of experience in dealing with breweries whether they are micro, local or regional. The team can be contacted on 0845 671 0277 or on

SIBA Legal Help Line (1 Hour free)
CALL: 0845 671 0277

HR Service for Breweries

A large proportion of the queries received through the helpline relate to HR and employment law issues, so Napthens has created a be-spoke package tailored to the brewing industry. HR3 gives you everything you need to deal with the HR side of the business. You also get protection and peace of mind if a claim is brought against you in the Employment Tribunal.

This is a paid-for service, but Napthens offer all SIBA members a 10% discount. For more info click here.

Licensed Trade Charity

Licensed Trade Charity: How they can help 

The Licensed Trade Charity’s free helpline is open 24/7/365 on 0808 801 0550 for professional advice on any issues you may have, health, money or otherwise.

Message from LTC: “We understand that the hospitality sector has already been impacted and will be further hit hard in the coming months, especially as the Government has increased social distancing and self-isolation measures.

The Licensed Trade Charity stands strong in this sea of uncertainty offering support to licensed trade people and the good news is that a lot of these issues are not new to us, we have been supporting licensed trade people for many years.”

Some of the support they can offer:

  • Short term hardship grants* for those in extreme financial hardship are available to licensed trade people.
  • Financial support* with rent or mortgage interest arrears and if you are at threat of losing your accommodation we can give practical help.
  • Emotional support for any worries that you have about you and your family’s are experiencing in the current economic climate.
  • Practical advice provided by trained CAB specialists giving guidance on varied issues
  • Mental (or emotional) Well-being.