Lightweight Containers reveals new keg fittings

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Pictured: Sankey-S fitting

At Brau Beviale 2018, Lightweight Containers revealed some of its latest innovations, including additional fittings for KeyKeg and UniKeg, a global expansion of its production facilities, and a clever tool for the home market.

The UniKeg range of products is already available with Sankey-D and Sankey-S fittings. As innovation is continuous, Lightweight Containers is adding a non-alcoholic fitting to the KeyKeg and UniKeg as well as other fittings for the UniKeg.

Annemieke Hartman (CCO) commented, “The market demand of lightweight kegs continues to grow. To support the demand of our customers and to grow our global presence, we need to expand. To be effectively able to do so we have just opened and are building state-of-the-art production facilities in Seaham, UK [2018], near Madrid in Spain [2019] and a location yet to be determined in Italy [2019/2020]. Besides that a number of other locations are under consideration in the short term.

“To make drinks in keg available for everybody, we have searched for an option to make home use possible. For the keg to be relevant in the home market we needed to reduce the barrier to entry, which practically meant we needed to eliminate complex, expensive dispense systems. After a long wait we are delighted to let you know that we have done it! Our clever tool is ready for delivery now.”

Already made of 30% recycled material, KeyKeg & UniKeg are designed with circularity in mind. KeyKeg started to re-use plastics to create the griprings and base cups; made of 100% Post Consumer Recyclate.

Continued Hartman, “Today, KeyKegs are collected with the aim to create new KeyKegs. We were already able to make KeyKegs that consist of 81% reused materials, before the question of plastic reuse became a major topic. Therefore only 19% of the used KeyKegs will be used for other applications rather than
new KeyKegs. Continuous innovation and the design of our products will enable us to deliver cradle-to-cradle kegs, making a real difference for the environment.”

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